Sunday, 9 May 2010

Paws up!

After jumping & throwing my right paw in the air for 20 scratches straight I felt a sudden cramp... It dawned on me right there and then that gagaloo is an iron lady, with legs on high heels that could run for miles on the cat walk, without breaking a sweat. This fame monster turned a packed stockholm globe arena into a boiling fountain of youth with magical creatures taking a blood bath in it. I wasn't allowed to see madonna in 1990, that gig was in Gothenburg: too far away, and my parents were concerned that I might get either squashed or whisked away by someone in the audience. Well, the sweltering heat from last night's gig will forever linger in my monster soul that now is healed.
Thank you gagaloo!
All Pics by: Magnus Eriksson aka My Man and Replicants


  1. JAG DÖR!
    Vilka vackra bilder! Imorgon kommer mina på bloggen;

  2. Damn right my monster! she's the shit!!

  3. Var är din Musse Pigg jacka ifrån? HET!
